Nutrition | Wellness | Weight Loss


Weight loss for women who want more than a diet. Women who want to transform their life and their weight with confidence, energy, and control.


One to one coaching for women who’re ready to feel energised, lose weight sustainably, healthily and keep it off long term.   

This is for you if you’re a woman who knows she’s ready for so much more than ‘just another diet’. 

💖 MORE loving what you see when you look in the mirror

💖 MORE confidence with how you look and feel in your clothes

💖 MORE energy to run around after your kids

💖 MORE feeling in control around food

💖 MORE saying yes to events, and feeling amazing in your jeans whilst attending fun events with the people you love

The Shreditall coaching programme is for you if: 

😅 You’ve done so many diets but finding the right plan for you hasn’t happened yet.

🤩 Your pre baby/midlife body seems like a distant dream, but you know that confidence can be yours again.

🍬 You choose a sugary snack for energy but it never hits the spot.

💪🏼 You know how you want to look and feel, you just need to regain that motivation for it all.

✨ You feel stuck in a weight loss/regain cycle, you’re tired of the low energy and mood, you know you can feel better.

💚 You know prioritising your health is crucial to setting a good example, you’re ready to make time for that.

🤦🏻‍♀️ Stress, anxiety, and comfort eating all sabotage your ‘good days’.

😩 You fear you’ll never be able to maintain your results because you only lose weight when you’re being ‘strict’.


And you would LOVE to:

🤩 Feel a sense of accomplishment and pride in every choice you make

💪🏼 Break free from the cycle of yo yo dieting.

😍 Look in the mirror with confidence, feeling happy in your own skin again.

💖 Say hello to food freedom, feeling empowered by the choices you make, confident that the food you eat is exactly what you need and enjoy

💚 Experience your energy at the highest it’s ever been meaning you can play with the kids and enjoy working out again.

🥙 Have people comment on how healthy and tasty your food looks, even the kids are trying enjoying new healthy foods.

🕺🏻 Overcome stress and comfort eating.

Maintain your weight loss effortlessly.

😁 Enjoy a fun but balanced lifestyle, never feeling restricted.

👯 Handle social eating situations with ease.

I'M IN!  

How do we do this?

✨ I love to start where you are now. We’ll spend a few days to a week in ‘discovery’ where you’re keeping a record of food, sleep, training, energy etc and we’ll see what’s happening for you.

✨ Phase 2: We move into testing. Looking at how to optimise and organise your nutrition into the best plan for you.  We stay in this phase until you feel confident with the changes, usually 3-4 weeks.

✨ Phase 3: We’ll move into habit formation. Making sure that the new changes we’ve made really work for you, so you feel totally confident you can eat well and handle any challenges like meals out, weekends away, birthdays, weddings etc… so you know you can always work from a place of good enough (not perfect - which as we know, doesn’t exist!)

✨ Phase 4: The final phase is working on just making sure what we’ve worked on is now ‘what you do’ so it’s as natural as cleaning your teeth. 

💚 You just do your new habits and feel totally confident in maintaining the results you’ve achieved.

💚 You've lost weight and you're confident you know how to stay that way .

💚 How does that sound?
Apply below

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The SHREDitall Coaching Programme will give you the knowledge, know-how, and confidence you’re on the right track

You’ll follow a proven process that’s worked for me and so many of my clients who are able to lose weight healthily, sustainably and keep it off long term. 

Come join me today


"I worked with Angela for a couple of months to learn how to make lasting healthy choices and break the mindset cycle of “On a diet / off a diet”. Angela is an incredibly knowledgeable, dedicated professional and I recommend her heartily to anyone who feels they need some insight and guidance over their nutritional choices. Angela gives advice in a non- judgmental way and is very supportive. I really enjoyed working with her."

- Beckie Williams (2023)


"Wow, Angela has been amazing to work with 🤩 I wasn’t sure how much weight I wanted to lose as always a bit sceptical with diets. However this is not a diet, Angela has completely changed my mind set around food. I eat more health and more balanced meals each day. I still eat out and can have a drink.

Over the last 12 weeks I half lost nearly a stone, 12 cm off my waist and 5cm off my hips. I feel so much more confident and healthier as a result.

I would highly recommend Angela for any advice regarding Nutrition she is always on the end of a message if you’re stuck and you feel great at each week's video check in. Thanks for all your help 🤩💪🏽

-Anna Wilson (2022)


"I've now worked with Angela on two different occasions, six years apart. Both times have been an absolute joy.

She is so knowledgeable when it comes to nutrition, and how best to implement mindset and behaviour changes that work for people at all life stages.

Not only have I achieved some of the desired changes that led me to signing up with Angela in the first place, but - importantly - have learnt invaluable tricks that allowed me to maintain a healthy (ish) lifestyle since our first time working together.

For anyone considering working with her, her expert and nurturing guidance (as well as accountability), are worth every penny."

-Daniela Marchesi (2023)

Here’s what to expect when you join the Shreditall coaching progamme

Angela Clucas-A registered Nutritionist & coach

🧠 Understand the easy way to break the cycle of emotional eating so you can enjoy sustainable long lasting weight loss without the guilt.

🤓 Learn the secret to managing your stress so you can confidently handle anything life throws at you. 

💪🏼 Conquer cravings and feel in control of your food choices.

👗 Maintain your results, saying hello to wearing anything in your wardrobe. 

🕺🏻 Feel committed to your goals, every day, no matter what life gives you to deal with. 

😍 Build unshakable confidence and like what you see in the mirror again.

Plus all of this...

🤩 Personalised weekly diet, lifestyle recommendations.

💪🏼 The ONLY weight loss goal setting exercise you’ll have to complete EVER again.

✨ An online food diary and weekly check in with me, Angela, your weight loss & wellness coach and wingwoman. 

AND … 

📲Support outside your weekly check ins via Voxer (text app) for support and celebrations.

SHREDitall will give you the know-how and confidence to lose weight sustainability and keep it off long term. 


Hi, I’m Angela,

and I’ve been exactly where you are right now. 

Locked in a cycle of self-sabotage, rewarding myself with food for every stressful situation I faced, only to wake up feeling bloated, guilty and ashamed. Why couldn't I just stay on track?

My attempts at weight loss and ending self sabotage felt so out of reach. 

Weekends erased my disciplined weeks, and social events became my battleground. 

I was exhausted from fighting on all fronts, especially against stress and cravings. 

It wasn't until I invested in a coach that I began to unlearn these habits. 

With guidance, I transformed my approach to eating, learned to manage stress without food, and finally broke free from the never ending yo yo diet cycle and was able to enjoy food and be kind to myself, always.

The journey from being my own worst enemy to my best cheerleader wasn't quick, but it was worth every step. 

I'm not just now able to maintain my weight but, I'm free from the guilty feelings I used to have around food. I am ready to help you do the same.

Now my passion is creating a weight loss journey for other women that feels both achievable and enjoyable.

I help women ready to shed not only the physical weight but also the mental load it brings. My focus is on those who crave more – more results, more clarity, and more simplicity in achieving their ideal weight.

Over 100 women (and a few men) have successfully joined this programme and gained long term sustainable results not only for their weight loss but also their confidence.

PS: I also have a BSc in Human Nutrition and an MSc in Sports Nutrition, plus seven years of specialised experience in coaching people on how to lose weight healthily, sustainably and keep it off long term because that’s what we all want right, to stop dieting and start living! 


We've got A's for your Q's

Who’s SHREDitall for?

This programme is for women who are ready to lose weight sustainably, healthily and keep it off long term.   

For the  woman who knows she’s ready for so much more than ‘just another diet’.

How long is the SHREDitall programme?

I'd love for you to commit to 3 or 6 months but I don't hold people to ransom, you can leave anytime. (With ongoing rolling support after initial commitment).

What is Investment?

3 months £290 per month - online check in

£783 pay in full (-10%) 

3 months £499 per month - online check in with weekly zoom call & monthly meet up or zoom (£1347 pay in full -10%)

3 months £677 per month - weekly meet up or zoom) £1828 pay in full (-10%) 

When does the SHREDitall programme start?

Enrolment is ongoing.You can join the programme at any time.

What does the investment for SHREDitall include?

  • Comprehensive professional nutritional guidance
  • Weekly online progress check ins and feedback
  • Tons of valuable tools and resources to ensure you maintain your weight loss results long after your time inside the programme ends.
  • Exclusive discounts for upcoming programs in 2024  

How do I join the SHREDitall Programme?

Click HERE to join SHREDitall 

How is SHREDitall different from other weight loss programmes?

This is not a one size fit’s all approach to losing weight. This is doing it healthily, sustainably and keeping it off long term. 

SHREDitall is uniquely designed for women who’ve been through the cycle of quick fix diets with temporary weight loss results and are ready for long last sustainable results

This programme combines the latest nutritional science with practical behaviour change strategies, personalised to fit into your busy lifestyle and focused on making sustainable changes that last.


Will I have to follow a strict diet?

The SHREDitall programme is not about strict dieting but about creating a balanced, flexible eating plan that you can enjoy and maintain. I focus on teaching you how to make healthy choices that suit your taste and lifestyle, so you never feel deprived. 

Can I join SHREDitall if I have specific dietary requirements or preferences?

Yes. SHREDitall is adaptable to various dietary needs, whether you're plant-based, gluten-free, managing food sensitivities, and/or other dietary restrictions. I'll work with you to ensure you are eating in a way that works for you.

What can I expect once I’ve joined the Shreditall programme

On enrolment your gain access to a portal filled with Angela's best recipes and trainings WORTH OVER £3,000 PLUS access to any micro programmes or which are run during your 3 or 6 month commitment valued up to £555.

We'll get to work on your goal setting exercise so you are set up to WIN from day 1.

What if I have a very busy schedule?

SHREDitall is created for busy women. This programme provides strategies for meal planning and stress management techniques that complement your time constraints, guaranteeing that you start to lose the weight you want to.

Will SHREDitall help me with long-term sustainable weight loss maintenance?

Long-term weight maintenance is a key focus of the programme.  SHREDitall provides education and support to help you understand how to balance calorie intake with lifestyle, make informed food choices, and develop habits that will sustain your weight loss and health long term.


Being 66 years old and dieting all of my life, I knew all the tricks for losing weight. Right!

Wrong. I had gotten to a place that no matter what I did, not only was the weight not coming off but I was gaining.

I finally decided I needed some expert help but where to and it. I wanted someone I could be in touch with everyday. After speaking with her one-on-one, I knew she was exactly what I needed.

Day to day we worked together until she was able to narrow down what I needed to change in my eating plan.

But honestly, what she gave me was so much more; learning not to beat myself up if I went off my plan, learning to really narrow down my true “why,” and most importantly, to like myself.

This is a forever journey and it is a journey I can live with.

— Lynn McCann (2023)

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